Paper Information
This first set of items are required reading for the course and should be reviewed before beginning the assignment:
_How to Write the Educational Philosophy Paper
_A Bibliography of Sources for Principles of Teaching and Learning
_Self-Evaluation/Peer-Evaluation Feedback Sheet (review these questions before you hand in a draft of your paper)
_A Sample Educational Philosophy Paper posted to GoogleDocs. Note that the proper format for naming the file should include both your name and the name of the specific document or assignment. For example, "Student Name - Educational Philosophy Paper." Also remember to attach and fill-out the self-evaluation rubric (link above).
These items explain the basics of APA style and plagiarism. (Also see links below for automated assistance in formatting your references.)
_APA Basics
_APA Publications Manual Cribsheet
How To CIte Sources and Avoid Plagerism
APA Format Template and Scoring Rubric (Make a copy of this GoogleDoc template and use it to format your paper in APA. Fill out the scoring rubric when you hand in the final draft of your paper)
About Your Statement of Educational Philosophy and Practice:
In order to assist you in critically analyzing and applying the different theories of education to which you have been exposed during your teacher preparation, you will write a statement of your educational philosophy. This paper will be an integration and explanation of your educational philosophy and its implications on your teaching practice. You should not need to invent your own theory of education. This paper should focus on an integration of traditional Western educational philosophy (i.e., progressivism, existentialism, perennialism, and essentialism) and your personal application of this theory in your classroom. But remember, this is not a paper about the historic philosophical schools, it is a paper about your philosophy.
An alternate paper might develop the rationale for a new school. This new school proposal needs to be thoroughly grounded in a philosophical perspective and explained in great detail. The document must be primarily text/prose (not bulleted points) and be at least 10-14 pages in length. This translates to a word count of between 3,500-5,500 words (using 12-point Arial font, double spaced). This refers to the body of the paper only. It would not include the title page, abstract, or references.
The paper must be documented (the same as the philosophy paper) in APA style. The school proposal should include: the school's mission statement or vision, curriculum overview, approach to student motivation, approaches to parent and community involvement, approach to assessment and evaluation, and a plan for professional educator development. The plan should also include an annotated budget including both projected revenue and expenses. If you chose this option, please schedule a one-on-one meeting with the course instructor to review the expectations for the assignment.
Whichever paper you write, it should be approached as a summative critical integration of your teacher preparation program. This paper (if done well) could be the centerpiece of your teaching portfolio. It should display the professionalism and clarity you would like to project in a job interview.
Your theories of education will undoubtedly change as you become more experienced, but this experience will force you to make some choices and take a stand. Your continued investigation of education will be enhanced by this road map.
This paper should conform to American Psychological Association (APA) style. APA is the standard professional format for educators. The APA Publication Manual is available in the reference section of the library. The paper must conform to APA format for bibliographic research, inclusive language, documentation, and professional style.
Portions or drafts of the paper will be handed-in several times during the term to provide opportunities for feedback at the pre-writing, drafting, revising and editing stages of the writing process. It will be graded in two parts. First your paper will be assessed with regards to its completeness and the clarity of the ideas presented (20 points). Then the paper will be evaluated with regards to its style (correct English usage, thematic focus, APA style, etc., 10 points). Overall, the paper is worth 30 points.
Because this class fulfills a required university writing graduation skill, you must pass the writing assignment in order to pass this course (whether or not you are completing your bachelor's degree at Augsburg University).
This paper will be posted electronically on Google Drive for feedback and review.
Several documents which discuss how to develop your paper will be distributed in class or are available on this webpage. Several in-class activities will also assist you in identifying and developing your educational philosophy.
These remaining items are highly recommended additional resources on research, editing, manuscript preparation and APA style, but are not required reading for the course:
_Google Drive has an integrated research tool (called, "Explore") that permits searching of the WWW and scholarly documents from within the word processor and then formats the citation in APA format. Here's a link that explain how it works.
_Mendeley Mendeley is a research management tool for the desktop and the web, and it's an easy way to organize, share, and discover new and compelling research papers. Mendeley helps users automatically generate bibliographies, import papers from other research software, and also access papers of note from anywhere online. The program is fully integrated with use with Microsoft Word, Open Office, and other related tools like Zotero, and Endnote. This resource is compatible with all operating systems.
_Citation Generator Citation Generator is an add-free interactive Web tool that assists learners in formatting citations and modeling the proper use of information.
_EasyBib This website helps visitors create bibliographies in a variety of different citation styles, including APA. Visitors can just type in the item they need to cite, and EasyBib will provide the correct citation for each entry. Some services on the website are always free, but there is also a premium service
that visitors can pay for, if they so desire.
_CiteULike The CiteULike site is a free service designed to help individuals manage and discover scholarly references. Sponsored by the Springer group, the service allows users to click on a paper they find online, and it will be automatically stored in their personal library. The service is "social" in a
matter of speaking, as visitors can share this library of references and papers with others. CiteULike also has a flexible filing system based on tags, and visitors can customize these tags as they see fit. It's a fantastic resource, and it's compatible with all operating systems.
_Cite This For Me Interested in crafting your own bibliography? It's quite easy with this website, Cite This For Me. Visitors can take advantage of a user-friendly interference to insert their own citations from books, journal articles, websites, and more. Also, visitors can login to create their own account so past bibliographies can be saved. Visitors can even toggle between citation styles and view sample bibliographies. This version is compatible with all operating systems.
_The Augsburg University Writing Center is a drop-in program for students needing assistance with any writing project. It is generally open several hours each weekday and Sunday (closed Saturdays) and is located on the main floor of the Lindell Library, just to the left of the main entrance. Later in each term they also provide extended hours--look for notices on these extended hours. Trained English majors will assist you in preparing your paper. For more information, follow this link.
_A Sample Educational Philosophy Paper posted to GoogleDocs. Note that the proper format for naming the file should include both your name and the name of the specific document or assignment. For example, "Student Name - Educational Philosophy Paper."
_A writer's best friend? An outline This StarTribune column breaks down the process of preparing an outline into several easy-to-follow steps. Use it to prepare the first draft/outline of your paper.
_Quotation Marks: How To Use Them Correctly (With Examples) | Grammarly
Multicultural Experience Enhances Creativity: The When and How (PDF file of a 2008 American Psychologist article by Leung et al. discussing the conditions in which multicultural experience enhances personal creativity. This article illustrates the format of an APA article similar to that prepared in this class.)
_Electronic Bibliographic Search Links
_Quick Guide to APA (written by instructors from Augsburg's MAL Program)
_Web-based APA Style Helpers (includes a link to Microsoft's website where you can learn how to use Microsoft Word to automate the formatting of references in APA style)
The Perils of Being "Eclectic." (This opinion piece discusses the perils of being eclectic in one's beliefs.)
_4 Teaching Philosophy Statement Examples (Some Tips for Developing Your Own Teaching Philosophy)
_Manuscript Preparation Basics (a thorough review of APA document format preparation, prepared by the editors at Anker Publishing Company)
_A Guidesheet to Common Editing Marks (so you'll know what those jots and tittles on your paper mean)
_Top 10 English Grammar Usage Blunders
Stephen WIlbers Writing Error Checklist (These web pages by writing specialist and StarTribune columnist Stephen Wilbers illustrates the most common writing errors and how to avoid them.)
Stephen Wilbers "Effective Writing: When things get complicated, take it step by step"
Stephen Wilbers "The plain truth about writing in plain English"
Stephen Wilbers "Correcting errors is last thing you should do"
Stephen WIlbers "An editing checklist will help you know when you're ready"
Stephen WIlbers "Language errors undermine credibility in a heartbeat."
In addition, the following educational philosophy and reference books are available in the Lindell Library for EDC 490/580 students to use.