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Educational Philosophy Paper Information

How to Write Your Educational Philosophy Paper

The Process of Gathering Information: Start with Your Goal

Your Major Resource: Scientific Journals

Organizing and Documenting Your Information

Sort your findings into logical groupings oriented around your research questions. Once you start to see patterns develop (e.g, question-->answer, key idea-->supporting documentation) generate an outline of your paper using your research questions and the following outline as your guide. This paper is a documented research paper--that means each and every idea that is not your own must be documented (i.e., from where did you get this idea?). Ideas can come from journals and books, other media, or they can come from course lectures and personal communication. All of these sources can be cited. See the APA style resources on this website to see how.

Important point! Use your main ideas, research questions and/or other key statements as section titles. This helps to give each sub-section an organizing theme.

Suggested Outline of Your Paper (The numbers and letters used in this outline should not be used in your final draft.)

I. Introduction: Preview you main points

  1. Make clear what your topic/thesis is and why it interests you.
  2. Carefully illustrate your key ideas with examples. The more theoretical the concepts you're trying to get across, the more important such examples become.
  3. State clearly the major question(s) you're trying to answer or main ideas you're exploring.

II. Body: Report the information you gathered

  1. Identify the key ideas you have highlighted in your introduction and discuss them in-depth here. There should be a 1:1 correspondence between your introduction and the major sections of your paper, i.e., if you say in your introduction that there are four main ideas you want to explore, then there should be four main sections in the body of your paper.
  2. Report the information you gathered about your philosophy of education. Cite authors as you refer to their work. The American Psychological Association's (APA) standard format permits you to cite authors in the text either by enclosing their last names (not  first names) and the year of publication in parentheses, as in 1 below, or by using their names in the sentence itself, as in 2. In general, the first option is preferred because it emphasizes the ideas (rather than the author) so it flows better.

    1. "A perennialist teacher usually believes in the study of a rather specific set of readings, often called The Great Books (Adler, 1970)."
    2. "Adler (1970) promotes the idea of a curriculum based on a specific set of standard texts, often called The Great Books."

__C. Discuss and apply what you've learned from your research. Some possible questions to guide your review:

  1. What are your main beliefs about teaching, learning, and young people?
  2. How do these correlate with your experiences in school (as a student or teacher--stories and illustrations are a useful tool here.)
  3. How will what you've learned affect your decision to become a teacher? (Stories and illustrations are a useful tool here.)
  4. What are the strengths and weaknesses of your philosophy?
  5. What are the contradictions within your approach and how do you resolve them?
  6. What are the implications of your approach on:
    1. your instructional methods?
    2. your politics?
    3. your discipline strategies?
    4. your ideas of what curriculum should be emphasized?
    5. grading?
    6. relationships with students, other teachers, administrators, and parents?
    7. student motivation?
    8. the way you view the worth of schooling and education?
    9. school reform?
    10. ...these are not an exhaustive list, nor should you feel obligated to discuss them all.

III. Conclusion: Review your main points and place them in a context.

  1. Synthesize the information you gathered into summary statements which explicitly answer the major questions you raised at the beginning of your paper.
  2. What new questions does your research raise? How might those new questions be addressed?

IV. References: List your references according to APA style. If you are unsure of the proper form, consult the APA Publication Manual (available from the bookstore and in the reference section of most libraries) or the APA resources elsewhere on this website.

V. Title and Abstract

  1. The title and abstract should give your reader a quick overview of your paper to decide if they wish to read the article itself, and to prepare them for the key issues you want to raise. A well written title and abstract makes your paper easier to read.
  2. A recommended length for a title is 6-12 words. It should be fully explanatory when standing alone and identify the key concepts under investigation.
  3. The abstract should perhaps be between 100-120 words in length and should contain a brief review of: the key concepts under investigation, your philosophical point of view, and your major findings and conclusions.
  4. Despite the fact that the title and abstract are written last, they are placed at the beginning of your paper.

How Should You Write?

While an in-depth discussion of this questions is beyond the scope of this review, some basic criteria are important to remember:

Revising and Rewriting

Printing and Packaging Your Paper

There are a few relatively easy points to remember about printing and packaging your paper which will enhance its readability and style.

Where to Go for More Information

Main | Course Syllabus | Supplementary ReadingsLearning Portfolio
Educational Philosophy Paper | Miscellaneous Course Handouts and Other Items of Interest