Main | Course Syllabus | Supplementary ReadingsLearning Portfolio
Educational Philosophy Paper | Miscellaneous Course Handouts and Other Items of Interest

EDC 490/580 Header Graphic

Introduction: Welcome to the EDC 490/580--School and Society Home Page. This site contains documents and other files needed for EDC 490/580--School and Society at Augsburg University. Click on the underlined hyperlinks to view or download the desired items.

Important Note: Please print out and read the course syllabus carefully. This website contains many resources, only some of which are required reading for the course. The items that are required are clearly indicated on the syllabus and on each assignment's web page. Due dates for all course assignments are also listed on the course schedule which is found in the course syllabus. If you have any questions, please speak with the course instructor.

Contents of this Site:
icon_Course Syllabus

(Click here to access an electronic copy of the course syllabus. Any corrections or additions to the syllabus will be posted here first!)

icon_Supplementary Readings List

(Click here for a list of further readings in which you might be interested on the topics we pursue in this course.)

icon_Learning Portfolio

(Click here to access information about the Learning Portfolio assignment.)

icon_Educational Philosophy Paper

(Click here to access information about the Educational Philosophy Paper assignment. This page includes a link to a page of electronic bibliographic search resources.)

icon_Miscellaneous Course Handouts and Other Items of Interest

(Click here for a list of other course handouts, links, and other items.)


Printing Documents: To print a document from this website, first select the document. After it has loaded into your browser, choose "Print..." from the File menu of your browser or click on the "Print" button on the browser's icon bar.


Saving Documents: If you want to save a document onto your own disk, first select the document. After it has loaded into your browser, choose "Save As..." from the File menu of your browser. Make sure to select "Text" as your preferred file type.


The Augsburg University Education Department Homepage contains information about Augsburg's teacher licensure programs. Visit it to learn more about our program as well as the staff and faculty who serve you.


Course Instructor:
Joseph A. Erickson, Professor
Augsburg University Education Department
2211 Riverside Avenue, Campus Box #312
Minneapolis, MN

Voice: (612) 216-8622
Facsimile: (612) 330-1339

* Personal Web Page:


Questions regarding this web site or course should be directed to the course instructor.

Contact the course instructor via email at the following address:



"The No. 1 goal as a teacher is to help students learn how to judge themselves."
Randy Pausch, Carnegie Mellon University professor, author of "The Last Lecture."

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Main | Course Syllabus | Supplementary ReadingsLearning Portfolio
Educational Philosophy Paper | Miscellaneous Course Handouts and Other Items of Interest