
Wellness News:

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Few could argue that affecting positive change in your self leads to a happier and more rewarding work and home life. The newly formed Augsburg College Wellness Program is giving faculty and staff a healthy shot in the arm by promoting five initiatives to help increase physical and spiritual wellness among its workforce.


21 Day Challenge
Get that monkey off your back. Find your inner peace. It’s a generally held principle that it takes the human psyche 21 days to form a new habit. Your challenge is to choose a healthful habit (physical, mental, or spiritual) and commit to sticking to it for 21 days.  More>>

Fitness Incentive Program
The Faculty/Staff Fitness Incentive Program allows you to communicate work outs that you perform either on campus or at home. When you reach defined point levels, you win rewards!! More>>

Brown Bag Lunches
Come with a lunch and leave with a fresh perspective. Topics in this monthly series will include heart health, eating out, healthful food choices, faith and healing, herbs and supplements, working with your health care provider, and more.  Watch the Daily A-Mail for sessions. More>>

Augsburg Cup
All in the spirit of healthy, friendly competition, employees are encouraged to gather a team of coworkers (male-female balance encouraged) and then challenge another team to a competition. The winner houses and displays prominently the coveted Augsburg Cup until the winner of the next challenge is established. More>>

Weight Watchers at Work
This popular program based on sensible choices and group support has helped millions of people meet their weight-loss goals. Whether you have five or a hundred pounds to lose, you will feel at home. Weekly meetings will take place on campus. More>>


