3.0 undergraduate credit course, 4.0 graduate credit course, Spring Semester, 2025
Tues. and Thurs., 9:40 - 11:20 a.m. Meeting in Oren Gateway, Room 111
Instructor: | Joseph A. Erickson, Ph.D. |
Office: | Sverdrup Hall, Room 3C (lower level of Sverdrup Hall) |
Communications: | (612) 216-8622 (talk/text) | (email) |
Course web site: | Log into <http://augnet.augsburg.edu> then click on --> Moodle link |
Office hours: |
Mondays 3:30-4:30 P.M. and Graduate School Fridays, 2:30-4:30 P.M. Please click here to --> schedule a meeting with me. |
of: | Skills
in: | Professional attitudes related to: | ||
developmental stages (2B, 2C) | assessing
learner characteristics (8B, 8C) | appreciating differentiated learning approaches (3A) | ||
learners (3A, 3C, 3I) | evaluating
instructional effectiveness (4B) | developing
an attitude that “all students can learn” (9C, 9H,
10D) | ||
differences (3A, 3C, 3I) | working
with exceptional students (3A, 7C, 7E) | developing
the foundation for research-based practice (9C, 9H,
10D) | ||
learning processes (1B, 2A) |
accommodating learner differentiation (4B, 7A, 9H) | |||
and personality theory (2B, 2C) | developing
learner self-esteem (5C) | |||
measurement (8B, 8C) | adapting
learning materials (4B, 7A, 9H) | |||
(5A, 5F, 5J, 5K) |
Whatever documentation you propose to make up an absence, it should be prepared in such a way as to highlight your careful understanding, reflection, analysis, and evaluation of the concepts discussed in the class, not simply copying what was said or shared in class. Don't summarize...analyze.
The Augsburg University policies on academic honesty apply to this course. Unless otherwise stated, the assignments you hand-in are assumed to be your own individual work. Please refer to the Augsburg Student Guide's section on Academic Honesty Policies for details.
Course assignments are to be handed-in on time -- on time means the assignment is handed-in by the beginning of the class meeting indicated on the course calendar--not later that day. Late assignments cannot be re-done for extra credit.
Grade Tally Sheet: (an online spreadsheet to record and monitor your grades in this course)
In order to promote self-awareness and personal responsibility, in this
class, I am asking you to track your grades during the semester. One way
to do this is to use this Grade Tally Spreadsheet
to record and monitor your grades. Quiz grades may be seen after you
complete the quiz and in the Moodle course grade book. All other grades
may be found on the GoogleDoc you submit for each assignment. Please let
me know if you have any questions or need help.
Electronic Document Submission:
Documents in this class are submitted digitally via GoogleDrive. The documents should be converted to GoogleDocs format (not MS Word format) and include all of the items physical paper assignments would include such as your name and the title of the assignment. Make sure to include all relevant identifying information. Make sure to add the instructor as an editor (username: erickson@augsburg.edu) so I am able to comment on your assignment online.
Also make sure to save the file with your name and the name of the assignment in the file's name, e.g., "Your Name - Assignment Name." If you have any questions, please speak with the instructor. Documents not following this protocol will be returned. Further instructions are found on the course moodle site.
Disability Accommodations, Accessibility, and Other Student Rights:
with disabilities who believe that they may need accommodations in this
class are encouraged to contact the CLASS Office at 612-330-1053 or stop by the Gage Center welcome desk on the link level of the Lindell Library as
soon as possible to better ensure that such accommodations are
implemented in a timely manner.
All students have the right to use the Augsburg University Counseling
Center and Student Development staff services, as well as to receive
tutoring assistance from the Writing Center. This class affirms individuals of all
gender identities and gender expressions. Students are expected to show
respect to others, including referring to others using their preferred
names and pronouns.
Augsburg University is committed to creating a safe learning environment for all students, including one that is free of sex discrimination. If you or someone you know has experienced sex discrimination, including sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, and stalking, you may contact Marah Jacobson, Ed.D., Associate Provost and Title IX Coordinator, at titleix@augsburg.edu or 612-330-1034 to report an incident, seek support, and/or take action.
Please be
aware that faculty members are required to disclose information about
suspected or alleged sex discrimination or other potential violations of
the Augsburg University Sex Discrimination Policy to the Title IX
Coordinator. If the Title IX Coordinator receives information about an
incident, they will reach out to offer information about resources,
rights, and procedural options as a member of the campus community. If
you or another student you know wishes to speak to a confidential
resource who does not have this reporting responsibility, you may
contact the Center for Wellness and Counseling at cwc@augsburg.edu or
612-330-1707; Campus Ministry at 612-330-1732; or the Aurora Center at
aurora@umn.edu or 612-626-9111 (24/7).
Augsburg students who are pregnant or are experiencing related conditions (including childbirth, termination of pregnancy, or lactation; related medical conditions; or recovery therefrom) may request reasonable modifications. Students may contact the Title IX Coordinator at titleix@augsburg.edu or 612-330-1034 to learn about specific actions the University can take to prevent discrimination and ensure access to Augsburg's educational programs and activities.
Augsburg University also has a designated student parent navigator to serve as the first point of contact for parenting students needing assistance in meeting their family's basic needs. To learn more information, contact Noah Greenfield, Program Coordinator in the Dean of Students Office, at deanofstudents@augsburg.edu or 612-330-1160.
1. To orient the student to the area of learning and development
2. To introduce this course: expectations and controversies
3. To develop learning strategies for this course
Module/Date(s): | Subject(s)
Reading Assignment(s) for class activities | ||
Week 1 Jan. 21 and 23 |
Teaching and Educational Psychology Activities and assignments: • Quiz on the course syllabus administered in class • Graduate students: Select a topic in chapters 4-15 that you would like to explore in more detail. Write a list of questions around the focus question: On what aspect of teacher leadership do you want to focus in this course? • Note: Unless otherwise noted, reading assignments and other work in this class are due by class time on the assigned date. |
Ch. 1![]() Other Resources: ![]() ![]() |
1. To acquire a basic understanding of the classic theories of human development
2. To understand the ways culture, values, and other environmental factors interact with natural endowments
Week 2 Jan. 28 and 30 |
Development Activities and assignments: • No homework assignments due this week |
Woolfolk, Ch.
2![]() |
Week 3 Feb. 4 and 6 |
Self, Social, and Moral Development Activities and assignments: • No homework assignments due this week |
Ch. 3![]() |
Week 4 Feb. 11 and 13 |
Differences and Learning Needs Activities and assignments due: • Thursday--Learning Analysis Journal #1 Due (Topic: Learner Differences and Individual Learning Needs) |
Ch. 4![]() |
Week 5 Feb. 18 and 20 |
Development, Language Diversity, and Immigrant Education Activities and assignments: • No homework assignments due this week |
Ch. 5![]() |
Week 6 Feb. 25 and 27 |
and Diversity Activities and assignments due: • Woolfolk Readings Quiz #1 (Chapters 1-6, quiz link on moodle) or notes due on Thursday of this week • Checklist: How to Prepare Your Woolfolk Readings Notes |
Ch. 6![]() |
1. To understand several theories of learning and instruction
2. To understand the relevance and application of these theories to learning and classroom settings
3. To understand student motivation and attribution and the teacher’s role in evoking it
Week 7 Mar. 4 and 6 |
Views of Learning Activities and assignments due: • No homework assignments due this week |
Ch. 7![]() |
Week 8 Mar. 11 and 13 |
Views of Learning Activities and assignments due: • Thursday--Learning Analysis Journal #2 Due (Topic: Impact of Culture and Diversity on Perception and Behavior) |
Woolfolk, Ch. 8![]() |
March 17-23, Spring Break (no classes) |
Week 9 Mar. 25 and 27 |
Cognitive Processes Activities and assignments due: • Mid-term Student Questionnaire activity |
Ch. 9![]() |
Week 10 Apr. 1 and 3 |
Learning Sciences and Constructivism Activities and assignments due: • Woolfolk Readings Quiz #2 (Chapters 7-10, quiz link on moodle) or notes due on Thursday of this week • Checklist: How to Prepare Your Woolfolk Readings Notes |
Ch. 10![]()
Other Resources: |
Week 11 Apr. 8 and 10 |
Motivation in Teaching and Learning Activities and assignments due: • Thursday--Learning Analysis Journal #3 Due (Topic: Constructivism and Designing Learning Environments) |
Ch. 11![]() |
1. To review other major educational applications such as measurement and evaluation
2. To understand major theories of classroom management and how it is related to learning and development
3. To practice and discuss specific learning activities and challenges
Week 12 Apr. 15 and 17 |
Cognitive Views of Learning and Motivation
Activities and assignments due: • Sign up for Practice Teaching Exercise (Due soon--see possible dates below. Sign-up sheet link on moodle.) |
Ch. 12![]() |
Learning Environments Activities and assignments due: • Tuesday--Learning Analysis Journal #4 Due (Topic: Motivation in the Classroom) • Practice Teaching Exercise (groups 1 and 2 present on Tuesday, Sign-up sheet link on moodle.) |
Woolfolk, Ch.
13![]() |
Week 13 Apr. 22 and 24 |
Every Student Activities and assignments due: • Practice Teaching Exercise (Groups 3 and 4 present on Tuesday. Sign-up sheet link on moodle.) |
Ch. 14![]() |
Week 14 Apr. 29 and May 1 |
Assessment, Grading, and Standardized Testing Activities and assignments due: • Tuesday--Observation Project Due • Thursday--Learning Analysis Journal #5 Due (Topic: Reflections on Your Learning Progress This Semester and Your Goals for the Future) • Practice Teaching Exercise (Groups 5 and 6 present on Thursday this week. Sign-up sheet link on moodle.) • Woolfolk Readings Quiz #3 (Chapters 11-15, quiz link on moodle) or notes due on Thursday of this week • Checklist: How to Prepare Your Woolfolk Readings Notes • Graduate Student Papers and Presentations Due • Upload a copy of your entire LAJ to Anthology Portfolio as a Program Key Assessment for licensure (Link on moodle). Note: Please complete this task by 4:00 pm on Thursday, May 8th. Successful completion of this task is required in order to pass the course, so please do not forget to finish this task. |
Ch. 15![]() |
Exam Week Thur., May 8, 8:30 - 10:30 A.M. in OGC 111 *if needed* |
Exam Week - May 5-8 Activities and assignments due: All assignments not previously handed-in are due no later than 4:00 P.M. on the Tuesday following the final class meeting. Any variance from this schedule must be pre-arranged with the instructor. |