Practice Teaching Exercise
Instructions: Choose one of the four "Pillars of Teaching" presented in Woolfolk (Behavioral, Social Cognitive, Cognitive, or Constructivist) and develop an instructional activity for a specific age group. This short instructional activity (5-8 minutes maximum), will be delivered to the class during one of the final three weeks of class. Your lesson should involve primarily your teacher-led instruction, not showing a video or playing a digital game. Sign up for a presentation date here.
This instructional activity should demonstrate your ability to:
1. Apply a particular learning theory,
2. Adapt an instructional activity to a target age group,
3. Develop specific learner objectives,
4. Tie those objectives to specific observable behaviors (i.e., assessments), and
5. Construct a coherent and appropriate lesson plan to demonstrate these elements.
--> Blank Lesson Plan Template on GoogleDocs
Name: Ima Auggie
SAMPLE--Practice Teaching Exercise--Lesson Plan--SAMPLE
I. Learning Theory: Social/Cognitive II. Target Age Group: 10 year olds
III. Objectives:
1. The learner will be able to define the term "noun"
2. The learner will be able to recognize 3 nouns
3. The learner will be able to generate and write 3 nouns
IV. At what level(s) of Bloom's taxonomy does this lesson aim? Remembering, understanding, and applying
V. Materials needed: Each student will need a pen/pencil, some paper, and access to a clean solid writing surface
VI. Complex social or thinking skills enhanced (if any): None
VII. Activity Outline (total time: Approx. 8 Minutes):
A. Anticipatory Set: Students will watch the brief video "A Noun is a Person Place or Thing." In this video, the concept of a noun is introduced, defined, and examples are provided in a brief animated format (3:02)
B. Outline of Lesson Proper:
1. Each student is provided with a sheet of paper and a writing utensil. (1:00)
2. Question for all students to answer in writing: What is the definition of a noun? Announce, "At the end of the writing time, I will ask one or two of you to read their answer out loud, but I don't know who will be called, so everyone has to have a good answer ready." (2:00) Definition: Noun: a word (other than a pronoun) used to identify any of a class of people, places, or things (common noun), or to name a particular one of these (proper noun).
a. Give students 30 seconds to 1 minute to write their answer.
b. At random, 1-2 students will be asked to read their response.
c. Does everyone understand this definition? Does anyone have anything to add? Other questions?
3. Read the following word list for the students (or write on board, 0:30):
1. monk
2. first
3. calendar
4. at
5. why
6. child
7. San Francisco
8. river
9. high
10. command
4. Which of these words are nouns? (correct responses are in bold). Write down on your paper the words you think are nouns. (0:30)
5. What questions do you have? Does everyone understand what is a noun? (0:30)
6. Please write down three new nouns on your sheet of paper. Do not use the words we just discussed in the list or the video. (0:30)
VIII. Evaluation Strategy (how will you know whether the learners "got it"?): Teacher will collect the sheets of paper and review the responses briefly to see whether and who understands the concept of a noun. If a student was not successful in defining, identifying, and generating nouns, put their sheets in a separate pile for follow up later in the day or tomorrow.