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EDC 310/533 Course Objectives and Assignments Aligned with Minnesota Standards of Effective Practice
_Standards of Effective Practice Addressed in this Course
_Course Learning Activities and Assessments Which Address the Standards
Minnesota Standards of Effective Practice for Teachers Addressed in EDC 310/533
Applicable Standards of Effective Practice:
- Standard 2 – Student Learning: A teacher must understand how students learn and develop and must provide learning opportunities that support a student’s intellectual, social and personal development.
- Standard 3 – Diverse Learning: A teacher must understand how students differ in their approaches to learning and create instructional opportunities that are adapted to students with diverse backgrounds and exceptionalities. (MT – Diversity and equity)
- Standard 4 – Instructional Strategies: A teacher must understand and use a variety of instructional strategies to encourage student development of critical thinking, problem solving, and performance skills.
- Standard 5 – Learning Environment: A teacher must be able to use an understanding of individual and group motivation and behavior to create learning environments that encourage positive social interaction, active engagement in learning, and self-motivation.
- Standard 6 – Communication: A teacher must be able to use knowledge of effective verbal, nonverbal, and media communication techniques to foster active inquiry, collaboration, and supportive interaction in the classroom.
- Standard 7 – Planning Instruction: A teacher must be able to plan and manage instruction based upon knowledge of subject matter, students, community, and curriculum goals.
- Standard 8 – Assessment: A teacher must understand and be able to use formal and informal assessment strategies to evaluate and ensure the continuous intellectual, social, and physical development of the student.
- Standard 9 – Reflection and Professional Development: A teacher must be a reflective practitioner who continually evaluates choices and actions on others, including students, parents, and other professionals in the learning community, and who actively seeks out opportunities for professional growth. (MT- Reflecting Critically)
- Standard 10 – Collaboration, Ethics, and Relationships: A teacher must be able to communicate and interact with parents and guardians, families, school colleagues, and the community to support student learning and well being.
Education Department Dispositions: A disposition is defined as the “values, commitments and professional ethics that influence behaviors toward students, families, colleagues and communities, student outcomes and the educator’s own professional development. These include...
- Personal Dispositions Within and Beyond School - Shows enthusiasm, empathy, patience and responsiveness; takes initiative and personal responsibility for actions; demonstrates academic quality and integrity; shows flexible and critical thinking when solving problems; organizes and follows through with short and long term plans; communicates respectfully; welcomes differing perspectives.
- Building Relationships with Students, Parents, Colleagues and Community-members / Motivates Learning - Sees the importance of building responsive relationships with and motivating all students; believes in and acts upon the belief that all students can learn; develops positive class environments and relationships with students, colleagues, families and larger community; demonstrates cultural sensitivity to the needs of diverse learners; uses pro-active management strategies; perceptive of and responsive toward student needs; shows concern and structures opportunities to develop all aspects of a student’s well being (cognitive, emotional, social, and physical); provides opportunities for creative and individual inquiry based on student interests.
- Dispositions toward Knowledge and Learning- Incorporates critical thinking and self- directed learning as a means to meet student learning needs; develops psychologically, socially and physically safe learning environments; encourages diverse perspectives in meeting student needs; Uses students’ strengths as a basis for growth, and their errors as an opportunity for learning; encourages many modes of communication in the classroom; uses assessment as a means to identify student strengths, promote growth, and guide instruction and values student collaboration in support of learning.
Course Learning Activities and Assessments Which Address the Standards:
- Learning Analysis Journals: LAJ and Rubric (Standard 9)
- Observation Project: Written Observation Report and Evaluation (Standards 2 and 3)
- Woolfolk Readings: Learning Notes or Quizzes (Standard 2)
- Practice Teaching Exercise: Lesson Plan and Feedback (Standards 5, 6, 7, and 8)
- Task Management and Participation: Attendance Tally and Informal Observations by Instructor (Standards 9 and 10)