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Personal Technology Goal

EDC 220--Educational Technology is a unique class in that the ability-level of its participants varies widely--perhaps more widely than any other class you'll take in the licensure program. For that reason, I ask students to generate several personal technology goals that permit them to focus their attention and energy in ways that are unique and fit their level of familiarity and comfort with digital technology. You may upgrade your skills in the areas you determine in these goals by completing two Technology Leaps. Your task today is to identify the areas in which you need to "beef-up" your technology skills. Be honest with yourself. Picking a bogus goal is just a waste of time--you won't get any better unless you clearly and honestly identify the areas in which you need to grow and actually do something about it!

Learners who have a very high level of knowledge, skills, and comfort with technology may set goals that go beyond the basic goals set for this course. Others may wish to shape goals that permit them to pursue personal or professional interests we do not cover in this course (perhaps assistive technologies for special education, new uses for digital tools, etc.). Maybe you want to create a website or if you're really advanced, an app. In any case, at the beginning of the class I want you to pick some specific goals on which you will be working this term. Later in the class you will report on your progress in two brief papers.

Pick goals that will stretch and deepen your knowledge of digital technology. We’re not here to merely fulfill the minimum standards set for this class...we’re here to develop excellence in your practice, so be prepared to push yourself and for me to push you to move beyond your current comfort level. 

Please speak with the instructor if you have questions or need help reaching your personal technology goal.

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