to the home page for EDC 220! This web site contains documents and other
files needed for EDC 220--Educational Technology at Augsburg University.
Use the navigation buttons (above and below) to link to files which
describe the structure of the course and the assignments in which you
will engage.
Please print out and read the course syllabus carefully. This
website contains many resources, only some of which are required reading
for the course. The items that are required are clearly indicated on the
syllabus and on each assignment's web page. Due dates for all course
assignments are also listed on the course schedule which is found in the
course syllabus. If you have any questions, please speak with the course
Please let me know how I may improve this web site to help you learn!
this Site:
Course Syllabus
Supplementary Readings
Other Course Documents
Frequently Asked Questions About the Internet
Education-Related World Wide Web Starting Points
Web Page Construction (HTML) Resources
- NETS Standards (ISTE's Technology Standards for Pre K-12 Teachers)
- Recommended Computer Skills for all Teachers
Recommended Foundations in Technology for All Teachers (ISTE Standards)
Printing Documents: To print a document from this website, first select the document. After it has loaded into your browser, choose "Print..." from the File menu of your browser or click on the "Print" button on the browser's icon bar.
Saving Documents: If you want to save a document onto your own disk, first select the document. After it has loaded into your browser, choose "Save As..." from the File menu of your browser. Make sure to select "Text" as your preferred file type.
Course Instructor:
Joseph A. Erickson, Professor
Augsburg University Education Department
2211 Riverside Avenue, Campus Box #312
Minneapolis, MN__55454-1351_U.S.A.
Voice: (612) 216-8622
Facsimile: (612) 330-1339
Personal Web Page: www,JosephErickson.us
Questions regarding this web site or course should be directed to the course instructor.
Contact the course instructor via email at
the following address:_