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Name: __________________________________________

Portfolio Table of Contents for EDC 220

EDC 220--Educational Technology students will demonstrate their competence (knowledge, skills, and attitudes) by preparing a self-evaluation learning portfolio. A self-evaluation portfolio is a carefully selected set of evidence, evaluated by you, that allows others (e.g., instructors, peers, principals) to observe and assess your proficiency in a particular field. A sample Learning Portfolio posted to GoogleDrive and may be found here. Your portfolio is prepared as a folder of GoogleDocs, including all of the individual files listed below. You then share the folder with the instructor as you have shared individual assignments throughout the course. Each item or section of your portfolio should be clearly labeled per the section headers below.

Instructions: Copy and paste this page into GoogleDocs. Then fill-in the blanks with the requested data. Tally your self-evaluation points in the blanks below. The portfolio must include a table of contents and point tally (this page should be used for this purpose). Also, please clearly indicate any items in your portfolio that haven't been evaluated or need to be re-evaluated!

1. Table of Contents (this document)

2. Reflective Statement: You should prepare a brief 2-3 page reflective essay reviewing what you learned in this course and how you see yourself integrating technology into your instruction. Think back on your experiences in this class. What are the most important things you have learned? Please reflect on the learning you have done in the course:

  1. What knowledge have you gained?
  2. What skills have you acquired?
  3. What attitudes have you developed?
  4. What progress did you make on your personal technology goals  for this term?

3. Technology Leaps: This section may be worth up to 20 points (10 points for each of two TechLeaps). 

4. Quiz(zes): Worth up to 10 points.

During the course, one or two brief quizzes were administered on the course readings and in-class presentations. Include your quiz point total here.

5. Learning Application Assignments: Approximately every other week during the semester (weekly during the evening and summer semesters), students will submit several learning application activities which are worth either 5 or 20 points depending on the length and complexity of the assignment. See due dates in course schedule (worth up to 60 points). The roster of Learning Application Assignments includes:

6. Learning Log: The Learning Logs are worth up to 10 points. 

7. OPTIONAL--Handouts, Articles, Course Notes, and Other Items:

8. Class Participation:

Once you have completed collecting all of your materials into your portfolio, go back and tally or rate your performance in each of the areas in which points are to be awarded. Place your self-evaluation in the brackets following each possible point total. Total these points in the space provided below. Make sure to fill out the score tally portion of the Table of Contents. It is incomplete without that.

Important Notes: Points may also be subtracted from your total for poorly organized, sloppy or incomplete portfolios. Grade points are deducted for excessive absences. Completed portfolios are due no later than the final date and time listed on the course syllabus.

Score Tally:
  1. Table of Contents
  2. Reflective Statement
  3. Technology Leaps [_____________]
  4. Quiz(zes) [_____________]
  5. Learning Application Assignments [_____________]
  6. Learning Logs [ _____________ ]
  7. Total Points Earned: [ _____________ ]

This section to be filled-out by the instructor)

Total points awarded: ____________________

Course grade reported: ____________________

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