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Perricone's Zen and the Art of Public School Teaching Review Sheet


Perricone Book Cover

Edited Notes, Essay or Essay Exam Instructions (from syllabus): This task involves either preparing typed and edited notes reviewing the concepts and skills covered in the course reading(s) or writing a brief essay about the item(s) read. The notes or essay should be written in such a way as to highlight your careful understanding, reflection, analysis, and evaluation of the concepts discussed in the texts, not simply copying what the book says. Don't summarize...analyze.

As with any written assignment, the notes or essay should display college-level writing skills (full sentences, good grammar, etc.). The notes or essay will be due at the beginning of class on the dates indicated in the course schedule.

Please advise the instructor ahead of time that you want to take the exam. Click here to view a checklist to review before handing in your essay exam to make sure you've done them correctly.


  1. Explain what Perricone means by "we teach who we are."
  2. What are your personal needs with regards to your career choice and how will teaching fulfill these needs? 
  3. In the book, Perricone discusses the difference between the "art of teaching" and simple "instruction." What's the difference? Give examples from your own experience.
  4. Perricone introduces the concept of SHOSHIN as a means to avoid professional burnout. What is SHOSHIN? What is your reaction to this approach? What difference might this concept make in your teaching?
  5. Describe Perricone's approach to the first day of school. What elements or tasks does he suggest need to be addressed on the first day? Why does he suggest that the first day is "the most important day of the school year"?
  6. The Parable of the Bird in the Hands is discussed as a way to understand free will and the role of teachers in students' lives. Discuss the parable and how you relate its lessons to your teaching experience.

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