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Kohn's The Schools Our Children Deserve Review Sheet


1999 Edition
2000 Edition

Edited Notes, Essay or Essay Exam Instructions (from syllabus): This task involves either preparing typed and edited notes reviewing the concepts and skills covered in the course reading(s) or writing a brief essay about the item(s) read. The notes or essay should be written in such a way as to highlight your careful understanding, reflection, analysis, and evaluation of the concepts discussed in the texts, not simply copying what the book says. Don't summarize...analyze.

As with any written assignment, the notes or essay should display college-level writing skills (full sentences, good grammar, etc.). The notes or essay will be due at the beginning of class on the dates indicated in the course schedule.

Please advise the instructor ahead of time that you want to take the exam. Click here to view a checklist to review before handing in your essay exam to make sure you've done them correctly.


  1. What does Kohn mean by his description of schools as being "heavy-handed, top-down, and test-driven." Do you agree with this assessment? Why or why not?
  2. Discuss what Kohn means by schools' being dominated by "aggressive traditionalism that has resulted in treating today's students like their counterparts were treated in years gone by--as passive receptacles into which facts and skills are poured."
  3. Using your knowledge of educational philosophy and practice, characterize Kohn's point of view: what is his philosophy? How would he change educational practice? Do you share Kohn's vision? Why or why not?
  4. How would you foster a class of "critical, creative thinkers rather than filling them with forgettable facts or preparing them to take standardized tests" which Kohn suggests is the hallmark of good teachers? How does your personal educational philosophy support this approach?
  5. According to Kohn, what is the difference between learning and achievement? Why is this important?
  6. How do you view Kohn's proposal to use multi-age, interdisciplinary classrooms? Why would (or wouldn't) this work in your field of inquiry?
  7. What is Kohn's view on cultural literacy (e.g., E.D. Hirsch)? Do you agree with Kohn's view? Why or why not?

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