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Main | Course SyllabusLearning Analysis Journals | Observation Project
Practice Teaching Exercise | Miscellaneous Course Handouts and Other Items of Interest


Name: _____________________________________________

EDC 310/533
Please refer to the handout Writing the Learning Analysis Journal for a more complete description of the assignment expectations. Each journal entry is worth up to a total of 5 points.

They are allocated as follows:

Evaluation Criteria:
A. Experiences: Date and time recorded, objective description of your experiences (1 point)

B. Processing: Interpretations of events using course concepts (1 point)

C. Generalizing: Identifying issues and problems, developing hypotheses using course concepts (1 point)

D. Practical Application: What can you do differently next time? Use course concepts in your description. (1 point)

E. Writing Mechanics: The journal displays college-level writing mechanics (1 point)


Points may be deducted for each of the following:

A. Journal not handed in on time (-1 point)

B. Not present in class for discussion of journals (-1 point)


Total Points:


Main | Course SyllabusLearning Analysis Journals | Observation Project
Practice Teaching Exercise | Miscellaneous Course Handouts and Other Items of Interest