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DIVERSITY IQ QUIZ (Link to answers at the end of the quiz)

High Score =13-15_____Medium Score=9-12_____LowScore =9 or less

1. The percentage of the 31 million African-American consumers who feel that most commercials and print ads are designed only for white people:

  1. 20%
  2. 30%
  3. 50%
  4. 60%

2. As of November, 1993, minorities constitute 44% of the total U.S. workforce. The percentage of minorities in top-level executive jobs is:

  1. 12%
  2. 9%
  3. 5%
  4. 2%

3. In the 1990-91 recession, a net job loss was experienced by:

  1. Hispanics
  2. Women
  3. African-Americans
  4. none of the above

4. The Federal Family and Medical Leave Act expands the definition of a parent-child relationship to include:

  1. Gay and lesbian partners
  2. Anyone who took the place of a parent
  3. Biological parents only
  4. Aunts or uncles who live nearby

5. One of every four businesses is owned by a woman.

  1. True
  2. False

6. Corporate managers from diverse Asian-American backgrounds have consistently reported that:

  1. They have benefitted from positive assumptions about their work ethic and skills by being given opportunities for advancement.
  2. They have been discriminated against in all areas of organizational advancement.
  3. They have been stereotyped as being good at technical tasks but weak in people management.
  4. They have been promoted to positions of managerial responsibility, but have been excluded from areas of technical expertise.

7. Surveys of corporate managers, university professors, first-line supervisors, doctors and lawyers reveal that in a comparable job, women earn:

  1. $1 for every $1 a man earns
  2. 80 cents for every $1 a man earns
  3. 40 cents for every $1 a man earns
  4. 70 cents for every $1 a man earns

8. A large majority of the African-American community prefers the term:

  1. Black
  2. African-American
  3. Negro
  4. Person of color

9. According to the U.S. Census Report, the percentage of households in which no adult speaks English fluently is approximately:

  1. 42%
  2. 23%
  3. 12%
  4. 7%
  5. 3%

10. According to a survey of executive women in industrial and service companies, women identified their greatest professional obstacle as having been:

  1. Personal vs. professional tradeoffs
  2. Convincing others of their ability
  3. Limited education
  4. Lack of managerial experience
  5. Lack of confidence
  6. Sexism

11. Between 1990 and 2005, the labor force age 16-24 is expected to grow approximately 14%, the labor force age 25-54 is expected to grow about 17%, and the labor force age 55 and older is expected to grow:

  1. 11%
  2. 27%
  3. 36%
  4. 43%

12. According to the National School Boards Association's study from December of 1993, the region of the country that contained the most integrated schools was the:

  1. Northeast
  2. Northwest
  3. South
  4. Midwest
  5. Southwest
  6. Far West

13. From 1980 to 1992, the percentage of women in the top 20 jobs in Fortune 500 companies increased from:

  1. 10% to 35.5%
  2. 1% to 7.5%
  3. 20% to 41%
  4. 10% to 16.5%

14. In 1967, women constituted 2.6% of MBA graduates; in 1992, women were approximately:

  1. 10% of MBA graduates
  2. 50% of MBA graduates
  3. 30% of all MBA graduates

15. By the year 2000, the U.S., Census Bureau estimates that the largest minority group in the United States will be:

  1. African-Americans
  2. Hispanic-Americans
  3. Asian-Americans
  4. White Anglo-Americans

Adapted from: David Tulin, Tulin DiversiTeam Associates--Philadelphia

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