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Course Handouts and Other Items of Interest | -ISM (N.) Video Documentary Project

"The Road To Brown" Video

Charles Hamilton Houston's fight against Jim Crow laws.

  1. Prologue
    1. Dred Scott
    2. Civil War
    3. 13th Amendment
    4. 14th Amendment
    5. 15th Amendment
  2. Jim Crow Laws
    1. Withdrawal of U.S. troops from south
    2. Plessey v. Ferguson
  3. Houston: Biographical information
    1. Education
    2. Military experiences
    3. Law School
    4. Role in the NAACP
  4. Mission:
    1. Push for "equal protection" for everyone in education
      1. Two stage attack
        1. Separate is not equal
        2. Attack separateness
    2. Murray v. Maryland
    3. Teachers salaries
    4. Gaines v. Missouri
  5. Brown v. Board of Education

Discussion Questions:

  1. Name three ideas that you learned from the video.
  2. Use three words to describe your feelings about the video.
  3. How was the "Road to Brown" similar to the road for "equal access" in education for women and people with disabilities? How has it been different?
  4. Who does not have "equal access" to education in the United States today? What are the barriers to that access?

Prepared by the University of Minnesota Human Relations Program

Main | Course Syllabus | Supplementary Readings | Learning Analysis Journal
Course Handouts and Other Items of Interest | -ISM (N.) Video Documentary Project