Reason and Religious Belief. Second Edition, Oxford University Press. "A comprehensive, well-written, up-to-date, and theologically quite sophisticated introduction to the philosophy of religion. The book covers a great deal of ground with considerable rigor, and its clear, accessible style and inclusion of much general philosophy make it an excellent text for students approaching the subject for the first time." -Robert Audi, University of Michigan "The best book of its kind." -George Mavrodes, University of Michigan Philosophy of Religion: Selected Readings. A companion to Reason and Religious Belief. "The editors have made excellent choices of writings from various periods. The choice of contemporary material is particularly good. Moreover, this anthology is outstanding in the wide range of topics covered. It will be second to none in the market today." -William Alston, Syracuse University On Behalf of God: A Christian Ethic for Biology. William B. Eerdmans, Pub. "A comprehensive and useful discussion of Christian ethics applied to a variety of difficult and timely issues is no simple task, but Reichenbach and Anderson have risen to it. They have provided a book that is a great starting place for further consideration of topics such as the environment, assisted reproduction, abortion, surrogacy, the human genome, the pursuit of knowledge, the brain-mind issue, and human sexuality. Their treatment of these issues is integrated by the adoption of a biblically based paradigm from Genesis: 'filling,' 'ruling over,' and 'caring for.' This is a book packed with information, suggestions, and challenges." -Richard Bube, Stanford University "An important book for the Christian community. The authors have rescued creation from the polemical battlefield it has become for too many Christians and have applied God's creation ordinances to some of the pressing practical issues of our time. Their approach is wide-ranging and novel, getting us away from the tired debates about conservatives and liberals. On Behalf of God may provide the fresh look at ethics that is badly missing in entrenched Christian circles. I believe we may look back ten years from now and see this book as a watershed for Christian witness in the real world." -R.J. Berry, University College London Currently out of print, this book is still available from the author.
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