Bruce Reichenbach

Professor of Philosophy

Dr. Reichenbach has taught at Augsburg College since 1968. His interests in other cultures led him to teach at Morija Theological Seminary in Lesotho and more recently at Daystar University in Nairobi, Kenya. He participated in seminars in China, Korea, and Russia, and lectured in Slovenia. He also participated in NEH Institutes and seminars and in Templeton-sponsored dialogues between science and religion.

His most recent book is INTRODUCTION TO CRITICAL THINKING. Published by McGraw-Hill, the text has a structure that adapts Benjamin Bloom's taxonomy of educational objectives to critical thinking. The text carefully moves students from developing skills for knowledge acquisition and comprehension to the higher critical thinking skills of analysis, creative synthesis, and evaluation. Its hundreds of exercises, giving students repetitive practice, are drawn almost entirely from the popular media. The book is directed toward true beginners in critical thinking.

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