The Net: User Guidelines and Netiquette - Index
By Arlene H. Rinaldi
(Click on the links below to jump to that section of the document.)
The formulation of this guide was motivated by a need to develop
guidelines for all Internet protocols to ensure that users at Florida
Atlantic University realize the Internet capabilities as a resource
available, with the provision that they are responsible in how they
access or transmit information through the Internet (The Net).
It is assumed that the reader has some familiarization with the terms and protocols that are referenced in this document.
Much of this guide was developed from comments and suggestions from
and from several sources available on The Net:
A special acknowledgment to Wes Morgan, University of Kentucky Engineering Computing Center, for his advice and recommendations.
Robert Slade, Vancouver Institute for Research into User
Security; Pete Hoyle,William & Mary; Timothy A. Torres, San Jose
State University; Paul Brians, Washington State University ; Paul F.
Lambert, Bentley College; Philip M. Howard, Saint Mary's University;
Gordon Swan, Florida Atlantic University; Pauline Kartrude, Florida
Atlantic University; Beth Taney, Penn State; Debbie Shaffer, Penn State
and USDA-CIT; Henry DeVries, Cornell; Jim Milles, SLU Law Library;
Martin Raish, State University of New York at Binghamton; Steve Cisler,
Apple Corporation; Tom Zillner, Wisconsin Interlibrary Services; Tom
Goodrich, Stanford University; Jim Gerland, State University of NY at
Buffalo; Ros Leibensperger, Cornell; Paul White, Northern Michigan
University; Marilyn S. Webb, Penn State; Judith Hopkins, State
University of NY at Buffalo, Ros McCarthy; Karl Hanzel, UCAR/COMET.
It is essential for each user on the network to recognize his/her
responsibility in having access to vast services, sites, systems and
people. The user is ultimately responsible for his/her actions in
accessing network services.
The "Internet" or "The Net", is not a single network; rather, it is a
group of thousands of individual networks which have chosen to allow
traffic to pass among them. The traffic sent out to the Internet may
actually traverse several different networks before it reaches its
destination. Therefore, users involved in this internetworking must be
aware of the load placed on other participating networks.
As a user of the network, you may be allowed to access other networks
(and/or the computer systems attached to those networks). Each network
or system has its own set of policies and procedures. Actions which are
routinely allowed on one network/system may be controlled, or even
forbidden, on other networks. It is the users responsibility to abide
by the policies and procedures of these other networks/systems.
Remember, the fact that a user can perform a particular action does not
imply that they should take that action.
The use of the network is a privilege, not a right, which may
temporarily be revoked at any time for abusive conduct. Such conduct
would include, the placing of unlawful information on a system, the use
of abusive or otherwise objectionable language in either public or
private messages, the sending of messages that are likely to result in
the loss of recipients' work or systems, the sending of "Chain
letters," or "broadcast" messages to lists or individuals, and any
other types of use which would cause congestion of the networks or
otherwise interfere with the work of others..
Permanent revocations can result from disciplinary actions taken by a
panel judiciary board called upon to investigate network abuses.
The content and maintenance of a user's electronic mailbox is the user's responsibility:
Check E-mail daily and remain within your limited disk quota.
Delete unwanted messages immediately since they take up disk storage.
Keep messages remaining in your electronic mailbox to a minimum.
Mail messages can be downloaded or extracted to files then to disks for future reference.
Never assume that your E-mail can be read by no one except yourself;
others may be able to read or access your mail. Never send or keep
anything that you would mind seeing on the evening news.
The content and maintenance of a user's disk storage area is the users responsibility:
Keep files to a minimum. Files should be downloaded to your personal computer's hard drive or to diskettes.
Routinely and frequently virus-scan your system, especially when
receiving or downloading files from other systems to prevent the spread
of a virus.
Your files may be accessible by persons with system privileges, so do not maintain anything private in your disk storage area.
Many telnetable services have documentation files available online (or
via ftp). Download and review instructions locally as opposed to tying
up ports trying to figure out the system.
Be courteous to other users wishing to seek information or the
institution might revoke Telnet access; remain only on the system long
enough to get your information, then exit off of the system.
Screen captured data or information should be downloaded to your personal computer's hard disk or to disks.
Users should respond to the PASSWORD prompt with their Email address,
so if that site chooses, it can track the level of FTP usage. If your
Email address causes an error, enter GUEST for the next PASSWORD prompt.
When possible limit downloads, especially large downloads (1 Meg+), for
after normal business hours locally and for the remote ftp host;
preferably late in the evening.
Adhere to time restrictions as requested by archive sites. Think in
terms of the current time at the site that's being visited, not of
local time.
Copy downloaded files to your personal computer hard drive or disks to remain within disk quota.
When possible, inquiries to Archie should be in mail form.
It's the user's responsibility when downloading programs, to check for
copyright or licensing agreements. If the program is beneficial to your
use, pay any authors registration fee. If there is any doubt, don't
copy it; there have been many occasions on which copyrighted software
has found its way into ftp archives. Support for any downloaded
programs should be requested from the originator of the application.
Remove unwanted programs from your systems.
(Email, LISTSERV groups, Mailing lists, and Usenet)
Under United States law, it is unlawful "to use any telephone facsimile
machine, computer, or other device to send an unsolicited advertisment"
to any "equipment which has the capacity (A) to transcibe text or
images (or both) from an electronic signal received over a regular
telephone line onto paper." The law allows individuals to sue the
sender of such illegal "junk mail" for $500 per copy. Most states will
permit such actions to be filed in Small Claims Court. This activity is
termed "spamming" on the Internet
Never give your userID or password to another person. System
administrators that need to access your account for maintenance or to
correct problems will have full priviledges to your account.
Never assume your email messages are private nor that they can be read
by only yourself or the recipient. Never send something that you would
mind seeing on the evening news.
Keep paragraphs and messages short and to the point.
When quoting another person, edit out whatever isn't directly
applicable to your reply. Don't let your mailing or Usenet software
automatically quote the entire body of messages you are replying to
when it's not necessary. Take the time to edit any quotations down to
the minimum necessary to provide context for your reply. Nobody likes
reading a long message in quotes for the third or fourth time, only to
be followed by a one line response: "Yeah, me too."
Focus on one subject per message and always include a pertinent subject
title for the message, that way the user can locate the message quickly.
Don't use the academic networks for commercial or proprietary work.
Include your signature at the bottom of Email messages when
communicating with people who may not know you personally or
broadcasting to a dynamic group of subscribers.
Your signature footer should include your name, position, affiliation
and Internet and/or BITNET addresses and should not exceed more than 4
lines. Optional information could include your address and phone number.
Capitalize words only to highlight an important point or to distinguish
a title or heading. Capitalizing whole words that are not titles is
generally termed as SHOUTING!
*Asterisks* surrounding a word can be used to make a stronger point.
Use the underscore symbol before and after the title of a book, i.e. _The Wizard of Oz_
Limit line length to aproximately 65-70 characters and avoid control characters.
Never send chain letters through the Internet. Sending them can cause the loss of your Internet Access.
Because of the International nature of the Internet and the fact that
most of the world uses the following format for listing dates, i.e. MM
DD YY, please be considerate and avoid misinterpretation of dates by
listing dates including the spelled out month: Example: 24 JUN 96 or
JUN 24 96
Follow chain of command procedures for corresponding with superiors.
For example, don't send a complaint via Email directly to the "top"
just because you can.
Be professional and careful what you say about others. Email is easily forwarded.
Cite all quotes, references and sources and respect copyright and license agreements.
It is considered extremely rude to forward personal email to mailing lists or Usenet without the original author's permission.
Attaching return receipts to a message may be considered an invasion of privacy.
Be careful when using sarcasm and humor. Without face to face
communications your joke may be viewed as criticism. When being
humorous, use emoticons to express humor. (tilt your head to the left
to see the emoticon smile)
- :-) = happy face for humor
- Acronyms can be used to abbreviate when possible, however
messages that are filled with acronyms can be confusing and annoying to
the reader.
- Examples: IMHO= in my humble/honest opinion
- FYI = for your information
- BTW = by the way
- Flame = antagonistic criticism
Some mailing lists have low rates of traffic, others can flood your
mailbox with several hundred mail messages per day. Numerous incoming
messages from various listservers or mailing lists by multiple users,
requires extensive system processing which can tie up valuable
resources. Subscription to Interest Groups or Discussion Lists should
be kept to a minimum and should not exceed what your disk quota can
handle, or you for that matter.
When you join a list, monitor the messages for a few days to get a feel
for what common questions are asked, and what topics are deemed
off-limits. This is commonly referred to as lurking. When you feel
comfortable with the group, then start posting.
See if there is a FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) for a group that you
are interested in joining. Veteran members get annoyed when they see
the same questions every few weeks, or at the start of each semester.
Follow any and all guidelines that the listowner has posted; the
listowner establishes the local "netiquette" standards for her/his list.
Keep in mind that some discussion lists or Usenet groups have members from many countries.
Don't assume that they will understand a reference to TV, movies, pop
culture, or current events in your country. If you must use the
reference, please explain it.
Don't assume that they understand geographical references that are local or national.
Don't join a list just to post inflammatory messages - this upsets most
system administrators and you could lose access to the net ("mail
Keep your questions and comments relevant to the focus of the discussion group.
If another person posts a comment or question that is off the subject,
do NOT reply to the list and keep the off- subject conversation going
When someone posts an off-subject note, and someone else criticizes
that posting, you should NOT submit a gratuitous note saying "well, I
liked it and lots of people probably did as well and you guys ought to
lighten up and not tell us to stick to the subject".
When going away for more than a week, unsubscribe or suspend mail from any mailing lists or LISTSERV services.
If you can respond to someone else's question, do so through email.
Twenty people answering the same question on a large list can fill your
mailbox (and those of everyone else on the list) quickly.
When quoting another person, edit out whatever isn't directly
applicable to your reply. Don't let your mailing or Usenet software
automatically quote the entire body of messages you are replying to
when it's not necessary. Take the time to edit any quotations down to
the minimum necessary to provide context for your reply. Nobody likes
reading a long message in quotes for the third or fourth time, only to
be followed by a one line response: "Yeah, me too."
Use discretion when forwarding a long mail message to group addresses
or distribution lists. It's preferable to reference the source of a
document and provide instructions on how to obtain a copy. If you must
post a long message, warn the readers with a statement at the top of
the mail message. Example: WARNING: LONG MESSAGE
If you crosspost messages to multiple groups, include the name of the
groups at the top of the mail message with an apology for any
Resist the temptation to "flame" others on the list. Remember that
these discussions are "public" and meant for constructive exchanges.
Treat the others on the list as you would want them to treat you.
When posting a question to the discussion group, request that responses
be directed to you personally. Post a summary or answer to your
question to the group.
When replying to a message posted to a discussion group, check the
address to be certain it's going to the intended location (person or
group). It can be very embarrassing if they reply incorrectly and post
a personal message to the entire discussion group that was intended for
an individual.
When signing up for a group it is important to save your subscription
confirmation letter for reference. That way if you go on vacation you
will have the subscription address for suspending mail.
Use your own personal Email account, don't subscribe using a shared office account.
Occasionally subscribers to the list who are not familiar with proper
netiquette will submit requests to SUBSCRIBE or UNSUBSCRIBE directly to
the list itself. Be tolerant of this activity, and possibly provide
some useful advice as opposed to being critical.
Other people on the list are not interested in your desire to be added
or deleted. Any requests regarding administrative tasks such as being
added or removed from a list should be made to the appropriate area,
not the list itself. Mail for these types of requests should be sent to
the following respectively: LISTSERV GROUPS- LISTSERV@host
MAILING LISTS - listname-REQUEST@host or listname-OWNER@host
For either Mailing Lists or LISTSERV groups, to subscribe or unsubscribe, in the body of the message include:
SUBSCRIBE listname yourfirstname yourlastname (To be added to the
subscription) or UNSUBSCRIBE listname (To be removed from the
Do not include very large graphic images in your html documents. It is
preferable to have postage sized images that the user can click on to
"enlarge" a picture. Some users with access to the Web are viewing
documents using slow speed modems and downloading these images can take
a great deal of time.
It is not a requirement to ask permission to link to another's site,
though out of respect for the individual and their efforts, a simple
email message stating that you have made a link to their site would be
When including video or voice files, include next to the description a
file size, i.e (10KB or 2MB), so the user has the option of knowing how
long it will take to download the file.
Keep naming standards for URL's simple and not overly excessive with
changes in case. Some users do not realize that sites are case
sensitive or they receive URL's verbally where case sensitivity is not
easily recognizable.
When in doubt about a URL, try accessing the domain address first, then
navigate through the site to locate the specific URL. Most URL's begin
with the node address of WWW followed by the site address, i.e:
A URL which includes only an image map and no text might not be
accessible to those users that do not have access to a graphical Web
browser. Always include the option of text links in your URL documents.
W3 connections can be *very* high bandwidth consumers. With graphical
web browsers, when graphic images are not necessary to obtain
information it is a good idea, both in terms of the speed of the
session, and to conserve bandwidth, to set the options to "turn off" or
"delay" inline images.
URL authors should always protect their additions to the Web by
including trademark (TM) or Copyright (C) symbols in their HTML
URL authors should include an email address at the bottom (or in the
address area) of all HTML documents. Because of the nature of html
links, a user can automatically link to your html document and have
questions about it, but will not know who to contact if the email
address is not available.
Including the actual URL in the document source preferably after the
<Address> tag, will allow users that print out the information to
know where to access the information in the future, i.e.
URL's authors should always include a date of last revision - so users
linking to the site can know how up to date the information has been
Infringement of copyright laws, obscene, harrassing or threatening
materials on Web sites can be in violation of local, state, national or
international laws and can be subject to litigation by the appropriate
law enforcement agency. Authors of HTML documents will ultimately be
responsible for what they allow users worldwide to access.
from the Computer Ethics Institute
- Thou shalt not use a computer to harm other people.
- Thou shalt not interfere with other people's computer work.
- Thou shalt not snoop around in other people's files.
- Thou shalt not use a computer to steal.
- Thou shalt not use a computer to bear false witness.
- Thou shalt not use or copy software for which you have not paid.
- Thou shalt not use other people's computer resources without authorization.
- Thou shalt not appropriate other people's intellectual output.
- Thou shalt think about the social consequences of the program you write.
- Thou shalt use a computer in ways that show consideration and respect.
- Kehoe, Brendan P. "A Beginner's Guide to the Internet: Zen and the Art of the Internet", First Edition, January 1992.
- Shapiro, Norman, et al. "Towards an Ethics and Etiquette
for Electronic Mail"., Santa Monica, CA: Rand Corporation (publication
R-3283-NSF/RC), 1985.
- Von Rospach, Chuq. "A Primer on How to Work With the USENET Community"
- Horton, Mark; Spafford, Gene. "Rules of conduct on Usenet"
- "A Guide to Electronic Communication & Network
Etiquette", revised and submitted by Joan Gargano, edited by Ivars
Balkits, Computing Services- University of California Davis.
- "Heartland Free-Net Registered User Guidelines", Bradley University, Peoria, Il.
- "Terms and Conditions of Membership and Affiliation", CREN Information Center, October 25, 1990
- "Electronic Mail and Networks: New Tools for Institutional
Research and Planning." by Dan Updegrove, John Muffo and Jack Dunn,
University of Pennsylvania.
- "Exploring Internet Training Series, Module 1- Exploring
Internet:Using your Computer to Communicate", by Deborah Shaffer,
ES-USDA, CIT and Pennsylvania State University, Henry DeVries;
Extension Electronic Technology Group, Cornell University; Gregory
Parham, ES-USDA, CIT.
- "Exploring Internet Training Series, Module 2- Mail-based
Information Delivery: Alamanac and Listservs". by Deborah Shaffer,
ES-USDA, CIT and Pennsylavia State University; Henry DeVries, Extension
Electronic Technology Group, Cornell University; Gregory Parham,
(c) Copyright - Arlene H. Rinaldi and Florida Atlantic University
Permission to duplicate or distribute this document is granted for
non-profit organizations with the provision that the document remains
intact or if used in sections, that the original document source be
For additions, comments, suggestions and requests for revisions, send email to - RINALDI@ACC.FAU.EDU