Pirates&Navy British ship


Ship MovedPirates & Navy Part I

In this homework, you are to do Part 1 of "Pirates and Navy." I will give you a good part of the code, and some of the graphics, but you are to complete and get it working so that the British ship is able to navigate all around the board at left under the control of your arrow keys.

This game is principally JavaScript, along with some CSS, housed in minimal HTML.

I will leave the commenting in so you know what to do, but will place a colon everywhere a line of code should be. Some of it will be easy, some a little harder.

The image at right is a link to the partial code. Each graphic on the left (ships, island, home) is a link to a downloadable graphic you can use. I will let you figure out the background.

At right is the ship once it has moved four times, using the right and up arrow keys. It has traversed both the desert island and the pirate ship. The goal, of course, as illustrated at left, is for it to reach home.

In Part 2, there will be a monster to avoid and ship's wares to keep track of such as food and gold. Extra credit will have you battling the greedy pirates, or even implementing a "Devil's Triangle" to avoid, which will be hidden, and randomly placed (remember your Prime Number Game!).

There is minimal commenting in the code but, as you work on understanding JavaScript, I want you to fill out the commenting, explaining what it is doing. Understanding this smaller version is critical to working on the full version.

Submit full game code via email (in-line) as well as printed code, and several screen captures of your ship at sea!