Clickable Photos (August 23, 2000 photos)

Clickable photos allow students and visitors to:
Please note:
For further information also see our older web pages, including:
Have fun exploring Augsburg's Reef and Seagrass Aquaria!

ClickablePhotos of Reef Tank

Reef Aquarium on August 23, 2000


Clickablecloseups of the reef tank

(most photos were taken August 23, 2000, top view October 13, 2000):

Photos of Seagrass Tank

(Seagrass tank photos are not yet clickable, but all are viewable)

Seagrass Aquarium on August 23, 2000


Seagrass tank closeups

(Augsut 23, 2000 photos):

In addition to the clickable photos, see:

About Clownfish and Clownfish Breeding Behavior

A few words about species ID's:

Some of the organisms in our aquaria are difficult to identify even for specialists, and I don't currently have definitive identifications for many of these species. Consequently, you should not use this site as a key for precise identification of organisms. In some cases I do know the genus and species with some certainty, but in other cases I know only the genus or not even that (e.g. many of the sponges, some corals, and others). So, in some cases I resort to general descriptions (e.g. "orange encrusting sponge", or "boulder coral"), or to common names used in the aquarium trade (e.g. "Red Sea Xenia").

Coming Attractions:


Things to look for in the upcoming months:


This portion of our web site is under extensive development, so check back periodically to see new additions. Comments and questions are welcome. You can e-mail or phone me, Bill Capman, at , or 612-330-1072)

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