Seagrass aquarium close-up
Seagrass aquarium close-up, showing a jeweled rockhopper blenny
(Salarius fasciatus) resting on a live thorny oyster. This blenny
is a herbivorous fish that grazes algae off the rocks, turtle grass, and
aquarium glass.
Also visible are a variety of invertebrates and macroalgae, including:
- On and beneath oyster -- black and orange colonial tunicates
- Beneath oyster -- a small brown Aiptasia anemone.
- Top left -- the tentacles of a purple Macrodactyla doreensis
- In front of the purple anemone -- branching pink coraline algae .
- Left foreground -- the greenish-grey object is a live, rapidly growing
chicken liver sponge.
- In the foreground -- yellow filter-feeding sea cucumbers
- Below the blenny is a very small growth of the green algae Caulerpa
racemosa, which grows to much larger sizes (several feet in length)
and looks like clusters of grapes.
- The calcareous green algae Halimeda is in the shadows in the
background near the purple anemone.
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