Update 9.7.11: Linked files are available.  Octave friendly files are in development.


All programs are released into the public domain by their respective creators.  Please cite this manuscript if you use output from the code or portions of the code for your own research:

J.M. Zobitz, A.R. Desai, D. J. P. Moore, M. A. Chadwick, “A primer for data assimilation with ecological models using Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC)” (2011) Oecologia, doi: 10.1007/s00442-011-2107-9
Link to journal article

IDL Files

Data Files For IDL Code

See the comments with example1 and example2 to see how to compile and run.
The IDL programs are released as public domain by A.R. Desai.
Questions on the IDL code, please contact Ankur Desai: desai "AT" aos "DOT" wisc "DOT" edu

Matlab Files

The Matlab files for the MCMC estimator are more separated into function files, allowing for more flexibility in running the program. The Matlab programs are released as public domain by J.M. Zobitz.
Questions on the Matlab code, please contact John Zobitz: zobitz "AT" augsburg "DOT"  edu