Welcome to the home page for the internet version of Service-Learning: A Pre-Service Teacher's Guide. This site contains documents and other files needed for planning and implementing a service-based lesson in your K-12 classroom. Click on the underlined hyperlinks to view or download the desired items.

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The Augsburg College Education Department Homepage
contains information about Augsburg's teacher licensure programs. Visit it to learn more about our program as well as its staff and faculty.


Many of the resources highlighted in this guide were first compiled by Thomas P. Kromer at Central Michigan University <t.kromer@cmich.edu
>, and are used with his permission. Other major sources for this guide include the National Service-Learning Clearinghouse <http://www.servicelearning.org/> and the National Youth Leadership Council <http://www.nylc.org/>.

This guide was produced as part of the Service-Learning in Teacher Education (SLATE) project with financial support from the Corporation for National Service. For more information, please feel free to contact this site's author, Joseph Erickson at: <>.


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