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EDC 310/533 Course Objectives and Assignments Aligned with Minnesota Standards of Effective Practice

icon_Standards of Effective Practice Addressed in this Course

icon_Course Learning Activities and Assessments Which Address the Standards

Minnesota Standards of Effective Practice for Teachers Addressed in EDC 310/533

Applicable Standards of Effective Practice:

Education Department Dispositions:
A disposition is defined as the “values, commitments and professional ethics that influence behaviors toward students, families, colleagues and communities, student outcomes and the educator’s own professional development. These include...
  1. Personal Dispositions Within and Beyond School - Shows enthusiasm, empathy, patience and responsiveness; takes initiative and personal responsibility for actions; demonstrates academic quality and integrity; shows flexible and critical thinking when solving problems; organizes and follows through with short and long term plans; communicates respectfully; welcomes differing perspectives.

  2. Building Relationships with Students, Parents, Colleagues and Community-members / Motivates Learning - Sees the importance of building responsive relationships with and motivating all students; believes in and acts upon the belief that all students can learn; develops positive class environments and relationships with students, colleagues, families and larger community; demonstrates cultural sensitivity to the needs of diverse learners; uses pro-active management strategies; perceptive of and responsive toward student needs; shows concern and structures opportunities to develop all aspects of a student’s well being (cognitive, emotional, social, and physical); provides opportunities for creative and individual inquiry based on student interests.

  3. Dispositions toward Knowledge and Learning- Incorporates critical thinking and self- directed learning as a means to meet student learning needs; develops psychologically, socially and physically safe learning environments; encourages diverse perspectives in meeting student needs; Uses students’ strengths as a basis for growth, and their errors as an opportunity for learning; encourages many modes of communication in the classroom; uses assessment as a means to identify student strengths, promote growth, and guide instruction and values student collaboration in support of learning.

Course Learning Activities and Assessments Which Address the Standards:
  1. Learning Analysis Journals: LAJ and Rubric (Standard 9)

  2. Observation Project: Written Observation Report and Evaluation (Standards 2 and 3)

  3. Woolfolk Readings: Learning Notes or Quizzes (Standard 2)

  4. Practice Teaching Exercise: Lesson Plan and Feedback (Standards 5, 6, 7, and 8)

  5. Task Management and Participation: Attendance Tally and Informal Observations by Instructor (Standards 9 and 10)

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| Course SyllabusLearning Analysis Journals | Observation Project
Practice Teaching Exercise | Miscellaneous Course Handouts and Other Items of Interest