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Writing the Learning Analysis Journal


One of the requirements of this course is that all students write a Learning Analysis Journal (LAJ). For our purposes, a LAJ is defined as a brief review of a specific event or activity followed by a 3-part analysis of that event or activity using one or more course concepts. The 4 parts of the LAJ reflect the 4 parts of KolbÕs Experiential Learning Cycle discussed in class. This format not only structures your observations and reflections in a logical format, it will also help you to develop a professional's approach for how to observe and report on student behavior.

You will write multiple journal entries during the term. Each entry is approximately 800-1,000-words long and must display college-level writing mechanics. Please submit your journal using GoogleDrive. Refer to the Technology Guides section of our moodle site for helpful videos on using GoogleDrive.

How to Write Your Learning Analysis Journal

You should write each entry in four parts, clearly labeling each part and specifying the date and time you are writing. (An exemplary journal can be found in the document ÒModel Learning Analysis Journal.)

1. Experience Section:

2. Processing Section:

3. Generalizing Section:

4. Practical Application Section:

Main | Course SyllabusLearning Analysis Journals | Observation Project
Practice Teaching Exercise | Miscellaneous Course Handouts and Other Items of Interest