Large mother colonies of corals in the 220 gallon tank in the animal room provide cuttings for for starting new colonies used in research projects. Here are views of a few of these colonies:

This purple staghorn coral (Acropora sp.) has provided cuttings for a project underway with a student studying the effects of water flow and water surge on colony growth form and skeleton density in stony corals. The green staghorn coral to the right is also a very fast grower with potential usefulness for projects.

(Note that most of the fish in this tank are herbivores that are important for controlling algal growth).

This large pink birdsnest coral (Seriatopora hystrix) is also a prolific producer of branch tips useful for student projects. The brown soft corals(Xenia elongata) behind it have polyps that open and close rythmically. This rapidly growing soft coral and the pulsing behavior of its polyps has been the subject several student projects.