Augsburg College Department Syllabus

Spring 2004

Course /Instructor Information

       Gretchen Kranz Irvine, Ph.D.   612 330-1315      Office: L14

         E-mail:; Fax: 612 330 1339

         Office hours: Monday 11:00-12:00 Wed. 12:00-11:00; by app


EED 370 K-6 Social Studies Methods


Prerequisites: PPST and admission to the Education Department

Catalogue description: Kindergarten, Elementary Curriculum: Social Studies, Thematic Studies, (.5 course)

Examination and preparation of materials for social studies and thematic teaching at the kindergarten and elementary levels. The social science disciplines will be explored. Service Learning will be used as a teaching strategy. Primary sources learning experiences with people and in the community will be an important part of the learning. Students will be assigned to a Base Group. Base Groups will use inquiry strategies to learn about a variety of communities.


Required text:

Nystrom, Map Champs

St. MartinÕs Table: One teacher resource book of your choice.

         Minnesota History Center- $3.00 lesson


Augsburg College Education Department Mission Statement

The Augsburg College Education Department commits itself to developing future educational leaders who foster student learning by being knowledgeable in their fields, being capable in pedagogy, valuing learning, thinking critically, nurturing self esteem, embracing diversity, and being ethical in their practice.



Mission Themes (MT) assessed in this course:

Being competent in Social StudiesÕ pedagogy


Minnesota Standards of Effective Practice for Beginning Teachers

The following Standards are learned and assessed in this course:

Standard 1: Subject Matter. A teacher must understand the central concepts and tools of inquiry and structures of the discipline taught and be able to create learning experiences that make these aspects of subject matter meaningful for students.

Standard 2. Student Learning. A teacher must understand how students learn and develop and must provide learning opportunities that support a studentÕs intellectual, social and personal development.

Standard 3. Diverse Learners A teacher must understand how students differ in their approaches to learning and create instructional opportunities that are adapted to students with diverse backgrounds and exceptionalities. 3P. bring multiple perspectives to the discussion of subject matter, including attention to a studentÕs personal, family and community experiences and cultural norms;

Standard 4. Instructional Strategies. A teacher must understand and use a variety of instructional strategies to encourage student development of critical thinking, problem solving and performance skills.

Standard 5. Learning Environment. A teacher must be able to use an understanding of group and individual motivation and behavior to create learning environments that encourage positive social interaction, active engagement in learning and self-motivation.

Standard 6. Communication. A teacher must be able to use knowledge of effective verbal, nonverbal, and media communication techniques to foster active inquiry, collaboration, and supportive interaction in the classroom. Standard 7. Planning in Instruction A teacher must be able to plan and manage instruction based upon knowledge of subject matter, students, community, and curriculum goals. d

Standard 8. Assessment. A teacher must understand and be able to use formal and informal assessment strategies to evaluate and ensure the continuous intellectual, social and physical development of the student. d

Standard 9. Reflection and Professional Development. A teacher must be a reflective practitioner who continually evaluates the effects of choices and actions on others, including students, parents, and other professionals in the learning community, and who actively seeks out opportunities for professional growth. d

Standard 10 Collaboration, Ethics, and Relationships. A teacher must be able to communicate and interact with parents or guardians, families, school colleagues and the community to support student learning and well being.


4. Course Objectives aligned with MN Standards of Effective Practice:


1. Students will be able to define interdisciplinary and thematic teaching, and understand the interdisciplinary nature of Social Studies (9D)

2. Students will be able to design a thematic, interdisciplinary unit that is multicultural, gender and disability fair in its content, using technology resources. (1J, 2E, 3K, 4G, 5N)

3. Students will use alternative assessment techniques, critical thinking, problem solving approaches, inquiry, cooperative learning, the community as a resource, technology, and include families.

4.    Students will learn about ways to implement Service Learning (10D)

5.    Students will learn about Cooperative Learning through their participation in a Base Group. (2E)

6.    Students will experience and evaluate a variety of resources, such as: resource speakers, community field trips, artifacts, print, online and others. (1G, 4G, 9D)

7.    Students will analyze and present information using technology (6K)

Technology Requirements:


5.    Assessments by Standards Summary Grid

Assessment Tool                     Activities                      Program Standards

Rubric                                    Culture Box (ME bag)             4H, 3O, 3P


Rubric                           Discussion Board            5P

Checklist                                Final /Reflection online

Rubric                                             Social Studies and the

                                             Young Learner-readings

Checklist                                Service Learning classroom      7H

                                             Classroom teaching

Checklist                                Portfolio


Checklist                                Social Science disciplines


Checklist/rubric                       Interdisciplinary Presentation    1G, 1J, 2E, 3O, 3P,

                                             Global research              4D, 4H, 7A, 7F, 8G



6.    Assessment/Assignment Descriptions


Attendance/Participation/Leadership (15pts)                      Each class

On time, regular attendance, respectful involvement,

helping the class to learn, preparation each class,

online information assigned weekly

Me Bag- Culture Bag/Box about YOU 5pts                         Jan. 21

Bring things that represent you to introduce yourself to your Augsburg class. Use this to introduce yourself to your elementary classroom too Consider the Social Science disciplines when gathering artifacts and information. Include information about your heritage. Use a map when presenting this.


Discussion Board 5pts                           Weekly by Tues.

Jan. 21-current events about ÒEducationÓ

Jan. 28 suggest ways to use the Augsburg neighborhood to learn SS

Feb. 4-Compare newspaper and online news

Feb. 11-Suggest a way you would use the History Center

Feb. 18-Recommend 5 websites for teachers of SS


Base Group Work (individual topics assigned) Jan. 28

Social Science Discipline 10pts

Learn about that area using a textbook, online information, and/or other resources.

Make a handout, one page, which teaches about your discipline:

á      a clear definition of your discipline

á      major concepts which need to be learned by students

á      methods of inquiry that researchers in the field use to collect data

á      suggestions for ways students in an elementary classroom might learn about your area

Make 16 copies for class.

Plan and facilitate a whole class activity related to your SS discipline.

How will you assess learning of social studies content?

Classroom work/ Teaching 15pts                                  Portfolio

1.    Learn about the Social Studies curriculum in a classroom where you are this semester:

*basal text? (publisher, year, grade/level) What do you think of it?

*are themes/units used? List topics

*materials that are available in the classroom

2. Use your ÒMEÓ bag to introduce yourself to your class at school.

3. Interview a student to learn: home country, language spoken at

home, social groups belongs to, jobs family members have,


Interdisciplinary Unit (20pts)                                              Feb. 25


1.    Topic (concept, place, problem)

2.    Grade level/s- (primary K-2 or Intermediate 3-5)

3.    Planning web

4.    Major concepts

5.    Standards

6.    Introduction/anticipatory set (create interest in the topic)

7.    Sequence of learning lessons/activities (for one week)

8.    Celebration of learning

9.    Assessment/evaluation

10.         Materials

11.         Extensions

12.         Connection with families

13.         Suggestions for individual needs

14.         Use of technology

15.         Resources used to plan this unit

16.         Teacher reflection


List teacher resources that you used to prepare the unit:

Must use the journal ÒSocial Studies and the Young LearnerÓ

And a variety of online resources

Create a 5 minute presentation presenting content about your topic.


Whole class work 5points

Service Learning: We will support the planning/running of the Peace Prize Festival Thursday, February 19 at Augsburg

(The above will be further planned during the semester)


Choice assignment for 10pts                                       Portfolio

Attend a community event related to Social Studies

Suggest Martin Luther King presentation Jan. 19 at 1:00 (chapel)

Create a one page poster announcing your learning.


Course Portfolio-(10pts)                                            March 10


1.    Table of contents (include electronic items)

2.    Classes- represent your learning for each class

3.    Content in this discipline

4.    Resources

5.    Class reflection

6.    Electronic folder in your augnet space


Final exam (5pts)                                                       Feb. 26

Available online during the final week of class. Questions about the main topics in class.



7. Grading System/Scale:

Each assignment will be evaluated using a 1-4 criteria:

1.    Assignment did not meet the criteria and needs to be redone.

2.    Assignment met the criteria minimally.

3.    Assignment met the criteria very well with one exception.

4.    Assignment met the criteria very well.

The following qualities are important in any assignment:

á      well written: the assignment was written with college level skill

á      directions: the directions for the assignment were completely followed

á      on time: the assignment was handed in at the beginning of the required class

á      neat and tidy: the papers and/or pieces are put together using a staple, paper clip or container.

Formatting or printing are carefully done. Appearance is important.

á      evidence of problem solving/critical thinking: in your own writing and/or in what you ask of students


All assignments are assigned point values so that they can be graded. The following percentages will earn these grades:

4.0 Ð95


3.0 -85

2.5 -80

2.0 Ð75



















EED 370 Social Studies, Thematic Studies Spring 2005


Schedule of topics Assignments due for the class are listed under the topics Read the newspaper/online news throughout this course as an important source of Social StudiesÕ content.


A Class Meeting will begin each class.                                                   Jan. 14        Learning Centers then debrief

Time capsule-assessment of prior knowledge                          

                  Introductions to each other and the course                     

                  Prior experiences with social studies KWL

                  Create Classroom Agreement

                        Social studies standards NCSS-look at website

Interdisciplinary planning/instruction

                                    Curriculum models: widening horizons, spiral

                        Social StudiesÓ basal textbooks

Related literature- ÒTalking WallsÓ


Jan. 21 ME bags

                  Social Science discipline: Geography

Model assignment for next week

Field trip: St. MartinÕs Table

Resource speaker there

DUE: Me Bag

                  Review webites: NCSS, class/blackboard

         Discussion Board-current events related to Ed.

Jan. 28          Social Science discipline reports

                        Search Institute: Asset Building Model

                  Curriculum: Inquiry, problem solving

DUE: Social Science assignment

         Search Institute website review

         Discussion Board-use of the neighborhood


Feb. 4 Class meets at the Minnesota History Center

As a class, visit the A-Z exhibit

Time on your own to visit other exhibits

3:00 Class in the Education wing: ÒThey Came to MinnesotaÓ

4:00 Reflect as a group about the experience

DUE: Compare using a newspaper and online news

on the Discussion Board

Feb. 11 The New Americans presentation

Erin Doan, Twin Cities Public Television

Will facilitate a discussion after the screening

DUE: review

Discussion Board-As a teacher, how will you use MGC


Feb. 18      Service Learning as a teaching strategy

Search the National Service Learning website

Using the newspaper for Social Studies learning

                  Global games

DUE: bring item for a MN A-Z timeline

Discussion Board-Recommend 5 websites




Feb. 25 Present your unit to the class

Prepare 1 electronic image

         2:30-4:30 ArtsConnect technology workshop

Due: Unit          

FINAL exam after last class.