Please note:

If you are post-tenure, please complete one of the post tenure review versions of this form (see handbook section 6.9.1)


The Dean should receive a full version of this report. Faculty should also send sections a, d, and e to their department/division chairs (see handbook section 6.5.4) in preparation for the annual meeting. The sections sent to the department chair should not include reflective commentary.



Annual "Report to the Dean"

For Untenured Faculty



See handbook section 6.5 for further guidelines on completing this form.


Name:_______________________________            Rank:_________________________




Most recent leave of absence (term, year, activity): ______________________________



Please summarize your commitment to and fit with the vision/goals of the College:





Teaching (See handbook section 6.3.3-6.3.5)

A. Courses Taught June 2002 to May 2003

Summer           Fall         Interim             Winter             Spring

_________ _________    _________   _________   _________

_________ _________    _________   _________   _________

_________ _________    _________   _________   _________

_________ _________    _________   _________   _________


B. Self Evaluation of Those Courses

Please summarize your teaching philosophy and goals. Evaluate your courses in light of your teaching philosophy and/or goals. Please provide a self-assessment of your teaching activities this year including reflections on at least one example of a teaching experience you had success with and at least one example of a problem you encountered in teaching and how you dealt with it. The goal of this section is to demonstrate a pattern of proficient teaching, reflective self-awareness and continuous improvement (see handbook section 6.3.3). Central performance areas for teaching include: course preparation, subject matter knowledge, presentation skill, individual student interactions, assignments and testing, learning activities, and interdisciplinary contributions (see handbook section 6.3.3).


C and F. Summary of and Comment on Evaluations

To demonstrate teaching proficiency and improvement, please attach a summary and interpretation of students' evaluations of your courses and any peer evaluation of your teaching. (See handbook section 6.2.3 for a description of the peer evaluation process; see the Academic and Learning Services folder on AugNet for a copy of the peer evaluation form). Other assessment devices include your review statements and measurements of student learning (see handbook section 6.3.3). Also, include Professional Development Activities: (see the Professional Development public folder on AugNet for a listing of activities).




Scholarship (see handbook 6.3.10-6.3.13)

D. Other Teaching and Scholarship Activities

Summarize your scholarship activities for the year in the following areas:

Category One: published books, articles published in peer-reviewed journals, chapters published in peer-reviewed books.


Category Two: articles published in editorially controlled, but not peer-reviewed journals; competitively selected, peer-reviewed papers presented at professional conferences, invited presentations.


Category Three: papers presented at professional conferences, articles published in non-competitive complications.


Category Four: participating on a panel at professional conferences; delivering seminars or lectures to professionals within the discipline.


Category Five: delivering seminars to nonprofessionals, or people not within the discipline; participating in professional seminars or discussion groups; attending professional conferences or seminars.



Non-traditional Scholarship: non-traditional scholarship may include, but is not limited to: performance based activities, business or professional collaborations, course revisions and development, course innovations such as interdisciplinary work, studies done for the college, student research collaboration or supervision, program evaluations, creative endeavors.



Honors and Awards:




Provide a statement of your scholarship goals and self-reflection on your scholarship activities:




Service (see handbook sections 6.3.6, 6.3.7., 6.3.8)

E and G. Committee and Non-teaching Assignments and Community Contributions

Summarize your service activities for the year in the following areas:

Category One: substantial ongoing activities within the College both in and beyond oneีs own department and of direct benefit to the College (including a brief description and self-assessment of your advising activities).


Category Two: ad hoc activities within the College both in and beyond oneีs own department and of direct benefit to the College.


Category Three: substantial, ongoing professional organizational service, outside the College, and of indirect benefit to the College.


Category Four: related ad hoc professional service, outside the College, and of indirect benefit to the College.


Category Five: service to the wider social community that is not professional or disciplinary, not within the College, and of tangential benefit to the College.



Self- Reflection

Provide a statement of your service goals and self-reflection on your service activities:




Please state what you would at this time consider as goals towards which you plan to work in 2003-2004 in the areas of teaching, scholarship, and service.